Thursday, August 5, 2010


late evening walk leads to blurry state of mind (and photo).

Oh and I'm thinking I've lost all of my marbles.

stayed up until 3:30 AM rearranging furniture in my living and office nook...

I can thank my mom for that urge...

(she used to constantly have us help her move furniture around, and I mean constantly... oh and I loved it!)

I'll post a little preview tomorrow of the update.

repeat after me:

the weekend is ALMOST here...


Bren Graham Thebeau said...

okay, so I've done the constant rearranging thing and up quite late but not until 3:30! I can just see you shoving items around, making adjustments, then moving it somewhere else.
Can't wait to see the pics

Poppies and Sunshine said...

I love rearranging furniture! My family would always get mad at me for always rearranging my room when I was younger!